Tag Archives: encaustic

Wedding Portrait 2013

This is my cousin, Brad, and his wife, Karisa, who were married on June 1st of this year. My gift to them was this portrait, a graphite drawing sealed in encaustic medium (heated wax and other components).

This sort of mixed media technique grew from the impetus of working for Inspire Prescott. I still haven’t completely worked it out. So in truth, I experimented on my dear cousins :). Even so, I’m confident they were happy with it, and I can’t wait to try another portrait in this style.


A closeup of some oil paint detail:


The drawing before encaustification.


God bless your life together, Brad and Karisa.

Inspire Prescott Gallery

A new art gallery in Prescott, AZ, has its grand opening tonight, and I’m thrilled to be included as a featured artist :D. Inspire Prescott is coming together through the hard work and awesomeness of some great people. Website coming soon; meanwhile, check out their Facebook page:

Click here


And click here to see a snapshot album of the artwork I’m showing.

I spent the past week painting furiously and came up with these 4 new encaustic portraits — referencing Pre-Raphaelite portraiture and William Morris patterns and other old fashioned things. They will be hanging in the gallery for the next few months.

RimlightPortrait - WilliamMorrisTributeCompanionPortrait - WilliamMorrisTribute.2 CompanionPortrait - WilliamMorrisTribute Portrait - WilliamMorrisTribute - Encaustic on wood

For Beauty and Glory.


Here’s the news,

I opened an Etsy shop today to sell the decent-most of my tiny paintings and color sketches. It’s called TheTinyPainting. So far, I’ve listed a number of encaustic 4″x 6″ paintings, and a near stamp-sized hummingbird watercolor. More to come ~ I’d love to know what you think!